Is it illegal to reverse onto a main road?
Reversing on to a main road is one of the most unnerving things you can do in a car – but did you know it can also get you a nasty fine?
Having a driveway accessed only by a busy main road can be next-level stressful – especially if you have to reverse out of it, an act to make skydiving seem tame.
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But, aside from being stressful, is reversing onto a main road illegal in Australia?
While not expressly illegal in any state or territory, under certain circumstances the manoeuvre could be deemed “unsafe”.
To find out more, we spoke to the police and transport authorities in each state and territory.
Disclaimer: This article does not constitute legal advice and should be considered a general guide only. Individual circumstances may vary.
Is it illegal to reverse onto a main road in New South Wales?
Although it isn’t strictly illegal, under certain circumstances reversing onto a motorway or main road in NSW could incur a penalty of $201, or $283 if the offence is committed in a school zone, a Transport NSW spokesperson told Drive.
The spokesperson added that NSW Road Rule 296 stipulates a driver must only reverse their vehicle if it is safe to do so – and no further than is ‘reasonable in the circumstances’.
Is it illegal to reverse onto a main road in Victoria?
There is no road rule stipulating that it is illegal to reverse onto a main road, a Victorian Department of Transport and Planning spokesperson told Drive.
However, Road Rule 296 decrees that you must not reverse unless it’s safe to do so – and not further than is ‘reasonable in the circumstances’. Falling foul of this in Victoria could land you a $192 fine or a maximum court penalty of three penalty units ($576).
Is it illegal to reverse onto a main road in Queensland?
There are no specific rules against reversing a vehicle onto a main road in Queensland.
However, “drivers are encouraged to consider how they will safely pull out when parking, particularly on busy roads,” a Queensland Transport and Main Roads spokesperson told Drive.
“It may be preferable to reverse into a parking spot or driveway or, if space permits, turn around to pull out facing forward … in all situations drivers must only reverse if they have a clear view of the road behind them and it is safe to do so.”
Unsafe reversing could land you an on-the-spot fine of $61.
Is it illegal to reverse onto a main road in Western Australia?
“It isn’t illegal, but as with entering a road from land abutting, it must be done safely, and you need to give way to the vehicles on the road into which you are reversing,” a Western Australia Police spokesperson told Drive.
Is it illegal to reverse onto a main road in South Australia?
A person may reverse a motor vehicle onto a main road, a spokesperson for South Australia Police told Drive – but some road rules may apply.
Under section 296 of the Australia Road Rules, the driver of a vehicle must not reverse unless they can do so safely. If they can’t, and they reverse anyway, they could face an infringement of $598 (expiation fee) and no demerits.
You also shouldn’t reverse further than is “reasonable in the circumstances” – otherwise you could have to deal with a $400 fine (no demerits).
Is it illegal to reverse onto a main road in Tasmania?
It’s not illegal to reverse on to a main road in Tasmania, a spokesperson for the Tasmania Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management told Drive.
“However, drivers must not reverse a vehicle unless it is safe to do so and must not reverse a vehicle any further than is reasonable in the circumstances,” they said.
According to Transport Tasmania, the fine for “reversing vehicle when unsafe” is $195 and the fine for “reversing a vehicle further than reasonable in circumstances” is $146.25 – with no demerit points accrued for either.
Is it illegal to reverse onto a main road in the Australian Capital Territory?
Much like other jurisdictions in Australia, there is no specific law against reversing from something like a driveway onto a main road in the ACT, an ACT Policing spokesperson told Drive.
“However, Section 296 of the Road Transport (Road Rules) Regulation 2017 sets out that a driver must not reverse a vehicle unless they can do so safely, and must not reverse further than is reasonable in the circumstances.
“Sections 74 and 75 also apply to how drivers need to give way when entering a road from a road related area, or adjacent land,” they added.
“This applies whether a vehicle is travelling forwards or in reverse. Not reversing a vehicle safely can incur a $316 fine.”
The spokesperson added that it is worth noting that “main road” is not specified as a definition within the ACT Road Transport legislation.
Is it illegal to reverse onto a main road in the Northern Territory?
“There is no rule stating that it is illegal to reverse out of a driveway, however you can’t do it unless it’s safe to do so,” a spokesperson for NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services told Drive.
“You must give way to any traffic or pedestrians.”
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