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How does cruise control actually work?

When used appropriately, cruise control can help reduce fatigue and improve efficiency – but how does it work?

It’s great to escape the city’s traffic congestion and hit the open roads, but trying to sit right on the speed limit for hours at a time can get tiring.

Cruise control helps you keep your speed in check while improving your fuel efficiency, to ensure your big day out doesn’t sting you in the hip pocket.

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How does cruise control work?

Cruise control works by automatically adjusting the throttle to maintain your speed, rather than relying on you to continually keep your foot on the accelerator.

On older vehicles cruise control bypasses the accelerator pedal and uses a cable to connect directly to the throttle valve. On newer cars this process is taken care of electronically. This lets the onboard computer automatically adjust the power of the engine to match the set speed by limiting how much air the engine takes in.

Cruise control doesn’t get tired or distracted, or waiver over time. This saves petrol by optimising your fuel efficiency, while also ensuring that you don’t creep up over the speed limit and get slugged with a ticket.

Does cruise control use the brakes?

If it needs to slow down, cruise control typically eases off the power rather than applying the brakes. Some vehicles do have the ability to apply the brakes, and cars with adaptive cruise control usually have this function built-in.

If you want to quickly disengage your car’s cruise control system, you can depress the brake pedal.

What’s the difference between regular cruise control and active cruise control?

Rather than blindly sticking to the same speed, some cars are smart enough to keep an eye on the traffic ahead, says RACV General Manager Automotive Services, Jackie Pedersen.

“Conventional cruise control is essentially a system that maintains a speed set by the driver. It does not adapt to surrounding conditions and only stops when turned off, or when the driver brakes or accelerates,” Pedersen says.

“Active or adaptive cruise control uses sensors to keep a constant distance between you and the car ahead, in addition to the set speed of normal cruise control. This has the dual benefit of maintaining a safe gap, but also enabling a more efficient use of throttle and brake.”

What do the cruise control buttons mean?

You’ll typically find the cruise control buttons on the steering wheel or steering column, but the labels vary. Some cars have a dedicated on/off button, which must be engaged before you can use cruise control.

With cruise control engaged, there’s generally a “Set” button which locks in your current speed, so you can remove your foot from the accelerator. Some cars let you adjust your cruising speed using the buttons. Touching the brake disengages cruise control, returning manual control to the accelerator pedal.

It’s also possible to press the accelerator and override the cruise control, with the original set speed resuming once you lift off.

If you’ve already been using cruise control and wish to return to your previously set speed the “Res” button will resume that last setting. Once you switch the car off the previous set speed will be wiped and you’ll need to start the process via the Set button again.

If you wish to cancel the cruise control, the “can” button will place system into standby mode. On some vehicles the cruise control on/off button will cancel the set speed with one button press and full deactivate the system with a second press, on other vehicles pressing off will fully deactivate the system.

If you want to adjust the set speed the Res or + button will add speed, and Set or – will allow you adjust to a lower speed.

Remember, cruise control just manages your speed, it isn’t autopilot. You still need to steer and pay attention to what’s happening on the road at all times.

Some cars offer the option of using lane-keeping, lane-departure alerts or lane-trace technology in tandem with the cruise control.

This means your car can also automate steering to keep the vehicle centred in its lane or, on a more basic level, it can alert you if you’re veering out of your lane.

Even if your car has a form of lane-keeping technology, constant driver supervision and intervention is still required.

How do you use cruise control effectively?

Cruise control works best on long stretches of relatively flat, straight road, where it only needs to make minimal adjustments to maintain your speed. 

When driving on hilly and winding roads, cruise control doesn’t respond to changing conditions as quickly as a person. Taking back control is safer and can also help with fuel efficiency.

In inclement weather, on broken surfaces, or through tight turns, it’s advised to turn off cruise control and use your own judgement to drive to the conditions.

“Never solely rely on conventional or adaptive cruise control technology. Motorists should always be prepared to brake and re-take control of speed at all times when driving,” Pedersen says.

“Also factor in different driving conditions to your decision to use cruise control. Wet roads, heavy traffic and unsealed roads can require slower speeds and faster brake responses than your cruise control may allow.”

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