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Cop this! Police catch massive speeds as lockdowns ease

We interrupt normal transmission for this important community service announcement. Here’s a sample of just some of the idiots on the road stopped by police this month.

As lockdowns and travel restrictions ease, NSW Police Highway Patrol have caught a number of drivers and motorcycle riders seemingly in a hurry to enjoy their new freedoms.

In the past fortnight, NSW Police Highway Patrol have caught P-platers, banned drivers, and motorcycle riders hitting race-track speeds on public roads. Many are repeat offenders who already had lengthy bans.

Some of the drivers were targeted after statistics show banned drivers, unlicensed drivers, and unregistered vehicles are over-represented in fatal crashes.

While speed cameras are nabbing a record number of motorists for travelling at less than 10km/h over the speed limit, the real menaces on the road have largely been getting away undetected.

But authorities are finally starting to crack down on repeat driving offenders, as confidential data shows they are more at risk of being involved in a road fatality.

Earlier this month, a P-plate driver of a Toyota HiLux was busted travelling at 173km/h in a 110km/h section of freeway north of Sydney – while filming himself using a mobile phone at the time.

When stopped, the 19-year-old male driver produced a NSW P2 provisional licence which is restricted to a maximum speed of 100km/h. At the time, there were no P-plates displayed on the vehicle.

The driver then inadvertently dobbed himself in for the mobile phone offence.

According to the NSW Police Highway Patrol Facebook page, when the driver was advised police would be confiscating and suspending his driver’s licence on the spot for six months, he took out his mobile phone to call a friend to come and pick him up.

“As the driver unlocked his phone, police observed a video to be playing, which depicted the driver filming himself one-handed with his mobile phone, whilst driving at high speed, immediately prior to being stopped by police.

“Subsequent enquiries revealed the driver resides in the Canterbury-Bankstown (local government area) and was breaching the Public Health Orders, as he was absent from his home address without a reasonable excuse.”

The driver was issued penalty notices totalling $4174 and 13 demerit points. [Exceed speed limit over 45km/h ($2547 and 6 demerits), P2 licence holder use mobile phone while driving ($352 and 5 demerits), not display P-plates ($275 and 2 demerits), and Breach Public Health Order ($1000 and 0 demerits).]

NSW Police were unable to seize the Toyota HiLux or confiscate the registration plates because the driver was not the registered owner of the vehicle.

Police in other Australian states, including Victoria, do have the power to seize vehicles in such circumstances, regardless of ownership.

It’s a point of contention among NSW Police, who would like the seizure laws reintroduced because they believe some drivers are deliberately registering vehicles in another person’s name (or a family member’s name) to game the system.

In a separate incident, police in Bankstown detected an unlicensed driver for the eighth time this year in an unregistered car.

The Nissan 350Z had different registration plates on the front and rear of the car, and neither belonged to the vehicle they were attached to.

“Subsequent checks showed the driver was never licensed to drive in NSW and the vehicle’s registration had expired in May 2020,” said NSW Police.

“This was the eighth time the driver had been stopped for similar offences this year. The driver was arrested and taken to Bankstown Police Station where he was charged with a number of offences and bail refused to attend Bankstown Local Court on the same day.”

The Magistrate imposed a sentence of eight months disqualification, a Community Correction Order, as well as fines for the registration and number plate offences.

“Police have seized the vehicle and an application has been submitted to have the vehicle forfeited to the crown,” said NSW Police.

On the NSW-Victoria border town of Albury, highway patrol officers seized a Ford Falcon ute after a 19-year-old P-plater was busted for his second “burnout” offence this year.

Police officers say they “observed a blue Ford Falcon utility enter a roundabout with other vehicles directly behind it. As the vehicle entered the roundabout, (the driver) caused the rear wheels to lose traction – and while doing this caused the vehicle to do three full circles in front of the other vehicles as he continued to cause the rear tyres to lose traction.”

When officers stopped the vehicle, the driver denied committing the offence.

The driver produced a NSW Provisional P1 licence, which was suspended and confiscated on the spot.

The driver was charged with “Interfere with Person’s Enjoyment or Risk To Safety (Burnout) Second Offence.”

“Due to this being the driver’s second offence – his first being earlier in the year – officers will make application at the conclusion of the court matter to have the seized motor vehicle forfeited to the crown.” The driver is due to appear at Albury Local Court next week.

Meanwhile, police in the remote Riverina region detected an unlicensed driver travelling at 188km/h in a 100km/h zone near Cootamundra.

Officers stopped the Ford Falcon sedan and the 19-year-old driver produced a NSW Provisional P1 licence.

Checks revealed the driver had just finished a period of disqualification, but his licence had since expired.

The driver was also subjected to an alcohol breath test which returned a positive result.

The driver was charged with unlicensed driving, special range PCA (driving over the legal alcohol limit), drive at speed dangerous to the public, and exceed speed more than 45km/h. He was granted strict conditional bail and will appear in court next month.

In the western Sydney suburb of Fairfield police busted a female driver for Driving Whilst Disqualified, her fourth detection in as many months.

Checks revealed she was disqualified from driving until 2023 and was currently on an Intensive Correction Order following a conviction for the same offence only one week prior.

The driver was taken to Fairfield Police Station where she was charged with Drive Whilst Disqualified – prior offence – and her bail was refused.

As the driver had previously been convicted of driving while disqualified on at least two occasions – and was the registered owner of the Holden Commodore – the registration plates were confiscated for three months.

The driver is due to face court for the eighth time in relation to unlicensed driving offences in the past 18 months.

Of interest to car-spotters, the driver was stopped by one of a handful of remaining Holden Commodore SS vehicles used by NSW Highway Patrol; this particular example was a Holden Commodore SS ute with a canopy, previously used for covert traffic enforcement.

In the past week, one motorcycle rider overtook an unmarked police car during the early morning commute at 180km/h travelling city-bound on a freeway in south-western Sydney.

A short pursuit was initiated and the motorcycle reached speeds of up to 205km/h, before the rider eventually pulled over and was arrested.

According to the NSW Police Traffic and Highway Patrol Facebook page, the motorcycle rider was charged with police pursuit, drive manner dangerous, and for exceeding the speed limit by more than 45km/h.

The rider’s licence was suspended on the spot and the registration plates of the motorcycle were confiscated for three months. The rider is due to appear before Liverpool Local Court at a later date.

Last week, another motorcyclist tried to flee police after being detected travelling at excessive speed on a road in Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

A short pursuit was initiated but quickly came to a stop after “riding straight into a closed gate at the end of the No Through Road.”

It turns out the rider – who had been travelling at 130km/h in a 60km/h zone – had “just purchased the motorcycle roughly 30 minutes prior to the pursuit.”

Further police checks revealed that the rider had a cancelled driver’s licence and was not licenced to ride a motorcycle.

The male rider, who was on probation, was refused bail before attending Manly Local Court the following day.

Lastly, a brighter note. Highway Patrol officers from south-western Sydney came across a lost dog late last week.

“With some assistance from members of the public, the dog hitched a ride with Police and was taken to the local vet where the micro-chip was scanned and the dog’s health was checked,” said the NSW Police Highway Patrol page.

“Later that day – and after being given a clear bill of health – the dog was happily reunited with its owner.”

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