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Opinion: It’s time. Cyclists should pay for registration

Two wheels good, four wheels bad? It’s the message being overtly encouraged but covertly communicated. If we want more bikes on bike lanes, then it’s time to make this official.

Take one look at any of our major cities and you’ll notice a theme in terms of infrastructure development. Cars are out. Bikes are in.

Our population density is increasing, and everyone from governments down, is viewing the world through a greener lens. In a modern, compact world, bikes make sense.

But while the airbrushed utopia of everyone spinning the gears under geodesic domes and eternally blue skies is still a little way from reality, we need to deal with today before we live in tomorrow.

This means, for better or worse, two wheels still need to share the road with four, and with that in mind, it’s time for the bikes to help split the bill.

This means we need proper registration for cyclists.

Registration, as with a car, requires you to display identification to other road users, and registration, which when paid, affords you the peace of mind of some basic insurance.

Currently in Victoria, if a cyclist is involved in a collision with a vehicle (including an open door) or has to swerve to avoid a car, they are covered by TAC insurance. But if a cyclist is injured due to an accident with another cyclist or a pedestrian, they are not. More to the point, if a pedestrian is injured by a cyclist, they aren’t covered either.

Registration for cyclists would help everyone.

Now, before I’m set upon by a peloton of angry lycrarians, I want to make a clear delineation. There is a difference between riding a bicycle and being a cyclist.

If you are earning money from your time pedalling on the road, be it delivering a sandwich, or running some parcels across town, then you need to be clearly identifiable just like any other road vehicle.

In this instance, you are a cyclist, and you need to pay for and display adequate registration.

This should extend to equipment that is earning revenue on the road too. Hire bikes (and scooters) should be registered, even if their transient users aren’t.

If you routinely spend every Sunday morning rolling en masse along a beachside boulevard, pumping the blood as much as you are metaphorically pumping your fist at an imaginary Le Tour stage gate, then you are a cyclist too and you should probably pay for registration.

You’re on the road. You’re using the infrastructure. You are at risk from other cyclists and you are a risk to pedestrians. Plus, I can’t be the only person to have seen riders sail through red traffic lights…

However, if you’re hopping on the Malvern Star on a lovely spring morning for that one, annual, commute to work, you are simply riding a bike.

If you’re pedalling to the park to kick the footy with the kids, you are riding a bike. If you are popping up to the shops to pick up a loaf of bread, a container of milk and a stick of butter, then you are riding a bike.

In these cases, you should probably get registration or insurance too, but you shouldn’t have to, especially if you own a car.

As with all these adjustments in the way we live our lives, we need the powers that be to arrange a little quid pro quo. Remove vehicle lanes to encourage more bike riders, so why not extend the reach of the third-party insurance that is included with motor vehicle registration to cover you when on your bike? You’ve paid the fee, does it really matter what vehicle you are using?

After all, you can’t drive and ride at the same time.

This way, more occasional riders may use the expanding network of bike lanes to get about town, knowing they have some peace of mind in the event of an accident.

Plus, if we want less cars and more bicycles, taxation has to come from somewhere. Surely it would be better to recognise a contribution of your bicycle registration than to just have everything else ratcheted up to account for the gap.

With registered bicycles, there is a more quantifiable understanding of those who wish to use the urban network, so better infrastructure planning can be implemented. There’s also better accountability for those who wish to flaunt the rules, particularly in regard to the parent companies behind the expanding fleets of delivery bikes will have identification to aid in enforcement for when they ride without lights, or down the wrong way on the street or just zip along footpaths.

If we’re being encouraged to move this way, then let’s move forward with a real plan.

What do you think?

Should bicycles be registered? Just electric bikes? Just delivery service or other working bikes?

Let us know in the comments below.

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